Ethereum: How can a private key be imported to a descriptor wallet?

Ethereum: unlock private keys with descriptors

(Dapps) and intelligent contracts. To make these interactions easier, users must safely manage their private keys. A crucial aspect of this is the import of private keys in containers that support descriptors.

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** What are descriptor letters?

Descriptor items also offer an interface to manage several private key pairs. Equipment a safe way to store and manage Ethereum money exchanges without requiring the creation of individual wallets for each key pair.

Import private keys into a wallet from the descriptor on Ethereum **

Writing pocket on Ethereum follow the following steps:

  • This creates a number of keys, including public and private keys.

  • (For example PEM).

  • import the private key :


ECDSA Import-private private pem


Replace with the actual path to the private key file.

  • The wallet.

The Bitcoin Core Wallet Migration Tool (WCWMT)

The Bitcoin Core Wallet migration tool is a popular tool with which users can migrate their Bitcoin Kern money exchanges in Ethereum. However, it has restrictions when it comes to savings key.

** Why the restrictions?

The WCWM This means that the tool requires a certain sentence of private and public keys for each transaction. Since sparse keys are not supported in this format, users cannot import them directly into WCWMT.

Problem bypass: Use of sparse key importers

Sparse key importer ‘or Sparsekey. With these tools, users can convert their existing Bitcoin core letters with the SPKE format (simple private key encryption) to ECDSA private buttons from Ethereum.

Example application: import of a sparse key

Here is an example of how you can use the tool with Spärdetast simorter to import a sparse key into an Ethereum descriptor letter pocket:


Sparse kee importer -i -o

Replace with the actual path to the sparse key file and with the desired output path.


The administration of private keys in Ethereum Descriptor money exchanges can be a challenge, especially when it comes to spare buttons. However, problem expenses are available, e.g. At the event, users can exploit the full potential of their Ethereum -Descriptor letters.

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