Ethereum: BTC stuck with zero confirmations
Ethereum: Bitcoin Still Stuck at Zero Confirmations, Network Propagation Rates Are Concerning
In a shocking turn of events, the Ethereum blockchain has once again fallen victim to the infamous “confirmed block congestion” issue that has plagued Bitcoin and other top altcoins. Despite sending the same batch of transactions from my own wallet to another wallet just 6 hours ago, I am still waiting for those blocks to be confirmed.
As a result, my initial transaction is stuck at 0 confirmations on the Ethereum blockchain, with network propagation rates hovering around 0-1%. This means that even with my recommended fee set correctly, it takes forever to see any progress or network acknowledgement.
I have double-checked my transactions and double-checked all the details, but it appears that there are no issues with the data. However, when I try to retrieve the transaction history from the Ethereum blockchain explorer ( I am presented with an empty blocklist.
This is not only frustrating for me as a user, but also raises concerns about the overall health of the Ethereum network. With propagation rates below 1%, it is clear that there are significant issues with transaction validation and verification on the blockchain.
Further analysis suggests that the issue may be related to high gas prices or inadequate scalability solutions, which can cause congestion and slow down the transaction process.
I am reaching out to the Ethereum community, developers, and domain experts for advice and insights on how to resolve this issue. I encourage anyone who is familiar with these issues to share their expertise as we work together to resolve this critical issue before it is too late.
Since my initial post, I have received feedback from other users who are experiencing similar issues on the Ethereum blockchain. While not all of them have been able to resolve their issues immediately, there is a sense of urgency and concern among these community members.
I would like to inform everyone that I will be working closely with the Ethereum team to explore potential solutions and provide an update in the coming days. In the meantime, I encourage readers to share their own experiences and suggestions on how to resolve this issue.
Stay tuned for further updates:
As more information becomes available, I will keep you updated on the progress of resolving this critical issue. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me in the comments section below.
Thank you for your attention and hopefully together we can resolve this issue before it affects anyone else’s transactions!