Ethereum: How to sign a transaction hash in ruby?

Signing Ethereum events RUBY: Step-by-step guide

Ethereum is a popular decentralized platform that allows developers to build and introduce smart contracts and applications. One of the key components of any Ethereum event is the “Transactionhash”, which includes the Hash of Input Information, including the sender’s private key and undeclared event. In this article, we will look at how to sign the Ethereum event using SecP256K1 RUBY.

SecP256k1 Understanding **

Before diving into the code, briefly discusses the SecP256K1, encryption algorithm, which is used to sign digital signatures in Ethereum. The SecP256K1 is a safe and effective elliptic curve cryptographygorithm that allows developers to sign messages with their own private key. Ruby’s “Sec256K1” library offers this algorithm implementation.

Signing the event

To sign the Ethereum event, you must calculate the event’s Hash Income (Private Key and Undeculated Event). Here is a step -by -step guide to doing it:

Ethereum: How to sign a transaction hash in ruby?

1. Calculate the event’s hash

First, create a new transaction 'object that is sent by a private key. We use theSecP256K1library to calculate the event Hash.


Require ‘SecP256k1’

Define a private key in hexadecimal format (eg 0x1234567890ABCDEF)

Private_Key = “0x1234567890ABCDEF”

Create a new transaction object with a private key as a sender

Transaction_hash = (Private_Key)


2. Sign Transaction Tash

Now that we have a transactionhash, it is signed by using SecP256K1.


Signing_Key = Openssl :: RSA :: PKCS8 :: Prinatenumbber.from_PEM (“—– Start RSA’s private key ——- \ n … private key here … \ n —– END RSA’s private key ——- “)

Sign Transaction Hash using the signing key (make sure ‘signature key’ with real private key)

Signad_transaction_hash = Transaction_hash.sign (Signature_Key, ‘Sha256’)


3. Get signed transactions hashi

Finally, we transform the signed transactionhash into a hexadecimal string.


Converted signed Transaction Hash to Hexadecimal string

Signed_transaction_hash_hex = Signed_transaction_hash.to_s (16)


Testing code

Here’s a complete piece of code:


Require ‘SecP256k1’

Requires ‘Openssl’

Define a private key in hexadecimal format (eg 0x1234567890ABCDEF)

Private_Key = “0x1234567890ABCDEF”

Create a new transaction object with a private key as a sender

Transaction_hash = (Private_Key)

Sign Transaction Hash using the signing key (verify ‘signature key’ with real private key)

Signing_Key = Openssl :: RSA :: PKCS8 :: Prinatenumbber.from_PEM (“—– Start RSA’s private key ——- \ n … private key here … \ n —– END RSA’s private key ——- “)

Signad_transaction_hash = Transaction_hash.sign (Signature_Key, ‘Sha256’)

Converted signed Transaction Hash to Hexadecimal string

Signed_transaction_hash_hex = Signed_transaction_hash.to_s (16)

put “signed transaction hash: #{signed_transaction_hash_hex}”


This code should print the signed transactionhanda in hexadecimal form. Note that you need to change the “private key” with the actual private key and install the SecP256K1 library by adding it to the gemfiles and using a “bundle installation”.

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