While nametags or name badges are not quite as popular as a promotional item, they definitely hold a significant place in a sales or service oriented company consisting of many employees and departments. If you wish to notch your service quotient up by a few points, it is certainly the way to go. These are psychological masterpieces allowing you to positively impact your customer service culture ensuring easy approachability for your customers. Check out some of the many reasons why you should consider bringing them back to your office environment.
Builds Corporate Identity – Name badges connect every employee to your brand which contributes to corporate branding. When employees wear the same name badge, a critical brand unity gets created. It can also be used to advertise special events or promotions. Name badges offer a degree of professionalism and can be used as a form of introduction. Though typically restricted to display in the office, they get worn to business lunches or visits to the trade shows too, thus advertising your brand to the outside world.