Solana: Fetch transactions per year

Unlocking Yearly Transactions On Solana: A Step-by-Step Guide

Solana, a fast and scalable blockchain platform, allows developmenters to explore its ist transaction. While all transactions or blocks from a specified date can be used to use apis, dots so direc Limited Data Storage, Processing ConsTraints, and query complexity. Howver, thee’s an alternative approach that can help you achieve you go of fetching the early transaction on Solana.

the problem that current approach:

The current way you are approaching this problem involves it This results in multiple requests to the network, which may not be suuitable for production environments due to performance concerns and potential congestion on the network.

A Way Better: Fetching Yearly Transactions

To overcome thees, we’ll explore an alternative approach that utilizes Solana’s features and apis. We’ll demontrathe how you can allk all transactions or blocks from a specification date in a sing.

Method 1: Using GetBlock with a query

The most strwayforward way to achieve is it by us to use GetBlock Method, it to to retrieve the block information information. Howver, keep in mind that GetBlock Requests has been havations on the number of transactions and data available.


Use solana_program : : {

Account_info : : {Next_account_info},


entrypoint :: Programresult,

Program_error : : Printerror,

Program_error :: Stderror,

Pubkey :: Pubkey,


Entrypoint! {

FN Main (

_program_id: Pubkey,

_args: vec ,

_block_number: U64,

_block_hash: string,

_non: U64,

) -> Programresult {

// Fetch Blocks Starm the Given Year

Let Start_year = 2022; // Replac it with your desired ear

let the block_count = get_blocks (start_year)?

// Get Transactions for Each Block

Let transaction_counts = get_transactions_for_blocks (start_year, & block_count)?

OK (())



FN Get_blocks (Year: U64) -> Result , Stderror>

// simulate fetching blocks from the network (Replane With Actual Implementation)

OK (VEC! [1; Year * 365])


FN get_transactions_for_blocks (Year: U64, Block_counts: & Vec ) -> Result )>, Stderr>

// Simulate Retrieving Transactions for Each Block (Replane With Actual Implementation)

let the transaction_counts = vec! [

(1, vec! []),

(2, VEC! ["TX1", "TX2"]),

(3, VEC! ["TX3", "TX4"]),


OK (transaction_counts)


Method 2: Using Get_Transactions With a query

Another approach involves use the Get_transactions method to the transactions for each. It is allows you to retrieve all transactions in a single requist.


Use solana_program : : {

Account_info : : {Next_account_info},


entrypoint :: Programresult,

Program_error : : Printerror,

Program_error :: Stderror,

Pubkey :: Pubkey,


Entrypoint! {

FN Main (

_program_id: Pubkey,

_args: vec ,

_block_number: U64,

_block_hash: string,

_non: U64,

) -> Programresult {

// Fetch Transactions for Each Block Starting from the Given Year

Let Start_year = 2022; // Replac it with your desired ear

Let transaction_counts = get_transactions_for_blocks (start_year)?

OK (())



FN get_transactions_for_for_blocks (Year: U64) -> Result < (U64, Vec ), Sterror> { Result

// Simulate Fetching Transactions (Replane With Actualment)

let the transaction_counts = vec! [

(1, VEC!

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